So whenever there is special occasion, we would take the opportunity to try our cooking.
This week we celebrated one dear sister's birthday. Her name is Fiorella. She is a really funny and talkative girl. Talkative is actually an understatement.:) Anyway, she's been a great joy to be around. She adds bountiful laughter to us. And she is a great help in the office administration work. And gues what, she is just 19 this week!
We appreciated her with a new blouse. As she is "a bit boyish" and "not-normal" size, it took us 2 hrs to buy the blouse! But we feel really good when she catwalks in front of us with the blouse, she is so much more ladylike and gorgeous!!! We like to transform people yeah....:)
Back to the cooking part. For the very first time, Keng suan cooked "rotogo relleno" (a famous Peruvian dish with pepper, minced meat, cheese, etc). She did a detailed research online and recorded every single step. But she told us she didn't follow everything. She just did what she felt right.....But never mind the result is: The Peruvians said her maiden attempt was rico! We are really happy to see KS transforming to be more adventurous than before. Haha...we can proudly say we attempt great things for God in our everyday life even ya!
Let's savour some of good moments sin palabras....
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